If you are already thinking about your new year’s resolution, we want to direct your attention to a state program that may help you achieve your goals.
The Arkansas Department of Health (ADH) recently launched Be Well Arkansas, an enhancement of previous tobacco cessation services, to provide Arkansans with resources to improve their health and well-being.
With Be Well Arkansas, Wellness Counselors answer calls from Arkansans who are interested in improving their health. This could be anything from managing diabetes to quitting smoking. Arkansans can call 833-283-WELL or visit BeWellArkansas.org.
Wellness Counselors are able to provide counseling over the phone and connect people to online and text resources, and services that may be available to them through their insurance plans, if they have insurance. This service will also offer local, in-person cessation counseling as an option for callers.
The program even offers a diabetes risk assessment via text. You can find out if you are at risk by texting “RISKTEST” to 97779.
Text messaging programs are also available to help you quit smoking. You can find that information at BeWellArkansas.org as well as links to support groups and even apps that provide motivation and track you progress.
BeWellArkansas.org can also be a great place to start if you want to be more active in the new year. The website has resources that can help you, your family, your workplace, your faith-based group, and even your community get started on a path to lifelong health and well-being.
In Arkansas, the leading causes of death include stroke, heart disease and cancer. The good news is that many illnesses can be managed, or even prevented, with access to the right resources.
Whatever you want to be—a good parent, a great athlete, a role model, etc.—it all starts with being well. An active, healthy lifestyle is key to being at the top of your game. It’s never too late to make decisions to help you lead a healthier lifestyle, and to be the best version of you that you can be. Being well is the first step.