
COVID-19 Update – March 21

Quick update on Governor’s press conference.

1. 22 new cases since yesterday. Total cases as of the press conference: 118. Sebastian County has been added.

2. 9 children (0-18); 32 (65+) & 77 (19-64) have tested positive. 13 have been hospitalized, 7 have been in ICU and 4 have been on ventilator.

3. It is anticipated that the peak in Arkansas will be in 6-8 weeks and at that time, there maybe as many as 1,000 hospitalized in Arkansas.

4. ALL Arkansans must practice social distancing, wash your hands, screening of employees by businesses, avoid travel, groups of 10 or less. If we do this, the Governor hopes that Arkansas can avoid taking the extraordinary steps such as shelter in place as others have taken.

5. The Governor has release $30 million to bulk purchase PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) for Arkansas Hospitals & health care providers.

6. New guidelines for dentists & please postpone elective surgery. ADH will be issuing directives.

7. If we can flatten the peak & beat the trend line of 1,000 hospitalized at the peak, then we can get back to normal quicker.

8. Produce, work, adjust, & support each other. Let’s do this for our families, our friends, our neighbors, & the elderly.

9. If we all make sacrifices now then we can get back to normal quicker.

2020-03-25T01:45:58+00:00 Mar 21st, 2020|In the News|