Governor’s press conference today, WEDNESDAY MARCH 25th, 2020 (link in comments):
🔘 280 total cases, two new counties impacted: Drew and Hot Springs Co.
🔘 We now feel we have an accurate picture of COVID-19 spread based on our testing capabilities through ADH, UAMS, and private labs.
🔘 In order to deal with healthcare shortage: The state medical board is issuing expedited emergency temporary licenses and waiving licensure fees. Medical residents who have completed 1 year of internship are being granted temporary licensure. Currently 15 medical students qualify.
🔘 The AR Medical Board accelerated their overall licensing process. As a result, over 100 new physicians were licensed in March.
🔘 The AR Nursing Board did the same. They are granting licensure within 24 hours and have issued 300 new nursing licenses in March.
🔘To the public: please understand that in order to be successful, we MUST abide by the guidance of ADH.
🔘So far, there has only been guidance for the public not to gather indoors in groups of 10 or more. There will now be a DIRECTIVE to ensure we do not gather in groups of 10 or more for indoor social events.
🔘 Governor signed a Proclamation today to call for a special session to begin at 1pm tomorrow.
🔘 Unemployment breakdown:
9,000 unemployment claims last wk
8,000 unemployment claims this wk
700 unemployment claims this morning
🔘 Unemployment hotline is still being upgraded. There is approximately a 25 min wait on the phone lines.
📍Breakdown on the 280 cases:
13 children
173 people ages 19-64
94 people ages 65+
📍60% Female
40% Male
15% African American
74% White
11% Other
📍12 are currently hospitalized
4 are currently on ventilators
41 are from nursing homes
11 people have recovered
📍 1,438 negative tests
675 from ADH lab
763 from commercial labs
📍While we must practice social distancing, we do not need to ignore our mental health or need for social cohesion. Use phone or technology to reach out to neighbors, friends, and the elderly in our communities.
📍The 5 Medical centers that support our veterans across the state are set up for video or telephone conferencing. If you believe you might have COVID-19, call in to be screened.
📍The VA has testing capabilities for veterans that meet the criteria after being screened.
📍To veterans: Veterans possess discipline, resilience, and great faith. We know the discipline that is required of us during this time to meet CDC and social distancing guidelines. Let’s do it.