Governor’s press conference today, FRIDAY MARCH 27th, 2020
🔘 381 total cases, no new counties
🔘 The future: looking at modeling of other states and countries we can see trend lines and our models widely range for AR. We could potentially see 2,000-15,000 people infected with COVID-19. We are planning to beat the worst case scenario. We expect to have by first of April 2,000 positive cases and by mid April 3,500 cases. Of that we expect 20% to need to be hospitalized. That would mean a total of 700 needing hospital beds.
🔘 Releasing 10 additional National Guard and Corps of Engineer personnel to utilize their engineering and architectural expertise. They will be working with ADH to expand hospital bed capacity.
🔘We have ordered 500 ventilators however at any time the Dept of Defense could redirect them to another state. We are hopeful the ventilators make it to us.
🔘 We, the public, must use tools at hand:
▶️Do not gather in groups over 10
▶️Social distancing
▶️Individuals must do their part
▶️Even families must protect each
other by using social distancing!
📍Breakdown on the 381 cases:
15 children 0-18
242 people ages 19-64
124 people ages 65+
📍48 are currently hospitalized
17 are currently on ventilators
42 are from nursing homes
19 people have recovered
3 deaths
📍What we do NOW as Arkansans-how we follow the guidelines and directives given-matters to us long term on this pandemic.
📍If we hear of events planned with more than 10 people, our environmental health specialists will go talk to the event organizer and work with them gather safely and in line with state guidance.
📍Giving additional $1M from Consumer Education and Enforcement Fund to help purchase PPE for the state.
📍Price gouging: 500 complaints, 25 open investigations. There is $10k fine per violation and/or criminal charges.
📍All law enforcement agencies across the state are working to keep people safe. We are here to remind people to stay safe and cooperate with guidance and directives passed down from the state.