
Daily Update – Feb 24

The House has now wrapped up the 7th week of the Regular Session. More than 1,000 bills have been filed so far. The Governor has signed more than 250 pieces of legislation into law.

On Friday, the House passed HB1048 which allows non-profit organizations to provide voluntary respite care to children. This bill is aimed at reducing the number of foster care children in Arkansas.

This bill allows organizations to recruit families to host children for a limited amount of time. Children would only be placed with the family on a volunteer basis by the child’s parents. For example, if a single mother has a medical emergency she can chose to use the voluntary care for her child until she can provide care on her own. Several safeguard measures are written into the legislation.

SJR8, a constitutional amendment limiting awards of punitive and non-economic damages, passed the House State Agencies and Governmental Affairs Committee this week. This resolution is common referred to as tort reform. Members debated amendments to this legislation this morning. The resolution is expected to be presented on the House floor next week.

The House will reconvene on Monday at 1:30 pm.

2017-03-01T18:49:43+00:00 Feb 24th, 2017|Summaries|