The General Assembly has started its 8th week of the Regular Session.
Among the bills passed on Monday was HB1509, the Sudden Cardiac Arrest Prevention Act. This bill would require a school district to develop procedures for coaches or athletic trainers to watch for signs of sudden cardiac arrest. It is currently the number one killer of student athletes.
The House passed HB1581, which implements an employee engagement survey in all state agencies. The results of the surveys will be provided to the legislators to see in what ways state agencies are improving and how they could be more efficient.
The House also passed SJR 8, a Constitutional Amendment Limiting Contingency Fees and Awards of Punitive and Non-Economic Damages. The amended version of this resolution limits lawsuit awards for punitive and non-economic damages at $500,000. If the Senate concurs in the amendments, this will go before voters in November 2018.
The House will reconvene on Tuesday at 1:30pm.