The Joint Budget Committee will be making an effort to vote on remaining appropriations at its meeting tomorrow morning at 9am. We could potentially complete the business for this fiscal session by the end of next week.
This afternoon, the House approved an increase of $3.5 million in general revenue for the Department of Correction. This increase is part of the Governor’s balanced budget proposal.
The House approved a reappropriation for the Arkansas Economic Development Commission which includes $800,500 to fund the panic button system in public schools. The funds for the panic button are provided by general improvement funds.
Appropriations for Arkansas State Police and Department of Information Systems passed the House with no increases in general revenue spending.
Members approved a supplemental appropriation of $17,000 for the University of Arkansas Monticello and a supplemental appropriation of $13,000 for Arkansas State University in Beebe. The funds for both of these supplemental appropriations come from the Educational Excellence Trust Fund to fulfill scholarship obligations for this fiscal year.
The House will reconvene tomorrow at 11am. You can watch all House proceedings live at