
Daily Update – Mar 14

On the second day of the special session, the House voted on several pieces of legislation including bills addressing highway funding, college savings plans, and the pharmaceutical industry. In all, 7 bills passed on the House floor and now make their way to the Senate.

HB1001 passed with a vote of 94-0. This bill would prevent Arkansas from losing federal highway funds by aligning state law with federal law when it comes to open containers of alcohol in motor vehicles.

In a vote of 92-0, with one member voting present the House voted in favor of HB1003. This bill addresses when the operator of an all-terrain vehicle (ATV) can use a public street or highway. This loosens restrictions when drivers are trying to get from one off-road trail to another or back to their property.

HB1005 amends the code concerning the design and construction of certain trail projects that are donated to and managed by the State Parks, Recreation, and Travel Commission. This bill passed the House with a vote of 94-0.

With a vote of 73-6 and 13 members voting present, the House passed a bill concerning ADEQ permits for liquid animal waste management systems. HB1007 states that an existing state permit that is in good standing is not subject to review or third-party appeal for location issues that were not raised during the review or appeal period at the time of permit issuance.

HB1008 makes changes to the 529 savings plan in an effort to make it more compatible to the federal tax code. The new federal tax plan allows funds to be withdrawn for K-12 education in private schools. This bill passed the House with a vote of 62-16, and 10 members voting present.

HB1009 amends the Arkansas law concerning the limit on school choice transfers under the Public School Choice Act of 2015. This bill passed the House with a vote of 76-4 and 8 members voting present.

And with a vote of 92-2 and 2 members voting present, the House passed HB1010. The sponsor of the legislation stated this will essentially be creating a license for pharmacy benefit managers to do business in Arkansas.

The House will convene on Thursday at 9 am Thursday.

2018-04-01T23:40:01+00:00 Mar 14th, 2018|Summaries|