On Monday, House members were given copies of the proposed Revenue Stabilization Act for the next fiscal year. The proposed $5.4 billion budget includes increases to education, human services, and the Department of Corrections.
We have posted the proposed budget on our websitewww.arkansashouse.org. We will likely vote on the budget later in the week.
The House advanced a proposed constitutional amendment. HJR1003 would require that at least 60% of voters approve future constitutional amendments instead of a simple majority. It also requires that 2/3 of the legislature approve proposed amendments before they can appear on the ballot.
And in a vote of 77-4 with 1 voting present, the House approved a measure designed to increase the availability of broadband in the state. HB2099 directs the Arkansas Economic Development Commission to establish a grant program to internet service providers.
The House will reconvene tomorrow at 1:30 pm.