
Donation to Wings of Honor Museum

We’re glad to support this great organization.

Don and Fran Cavenaugh, Cavenaugh Auto Group, Make Donation to Wings of Honor Museum.

A donation of $2,500 was made to the Wings of Honor Museum in Walnut Ridge by Don and Fran Cavenaugh of Cavenaugh Auto Group. The donation was made to assist with the continuation of programs for Veterans, the annual reunion celebrations and other needs of the museum.

“The museum is a treasure of historical information and an asset to Walnut Ridge, the region and beyond,” said Fran. “Not only does it exhibit the history of the Walnut Ridge Regional Airport, which was built by the Army Air Forces during WWII for the purpose of training pilots, but it has exhibits and information representing other wars and conflicts, as well as veteran memorials. I encourage anyone who has not yet visited the Wings of Honor Museum to make the time to do so.”

“The museum operates strictly on donations and grants with the work of volunteers,” added Don, who also serves as Walnut Ridge Regional Airport Commission Chair, “and we believe it’s important to support the work they do to honor our veterans.”

Presenting the check to museum president Harold Johnson on behalf of Don and Fran was Dina Rose, executive assistant at Cavenaugh Auto Group.

For more information on the Wings of Honor Museum, visit or contact Mr. Johnson at 800-584-5575 or The museum is located at 70 Beacon Road, Walnut Ridge, across from the airport terminal.

2023-12-04T16:09:22+00:00 Oct 30th, 2023|In the News|