Governor’s press conference today, THURSDAY APRIL 16th, 2020:
🔘 1,620 total cases: 1,035 active cases, 548 recovered
🔘 Speaking with other Governor’s today on how to begin opening the country back up. Also meeting with the Post-Peak COVID-19 Medical Advisory Board tomorrow.
📍Out of 1,620 cases:
85 currently hospitalized
21 currently on ventilators
📍4 new deaths (37 total):
2 under 65
2 were 65+
All 4 had underlying medical conditions
📍223 healthcare workers total
81 of those recovered
📍118 nursing home residents
28 total nursing homes w/ active
📍New results on correctional facilities
coming later this afternoon. Currently:
Forrest City: 46 inmates/9 staff
LR Comm Corr: 59 inmates/27 staff
Cummins: 46 inmates/0 staff
📍We are seeing good trends. We have
to keep it up and finish as well as we
started. We are looking at how quickly
AND safely we can peel back
📍New website up and running for all
unemployment information and
updates to help keep hotline open
(link in comments).
📍If you are self-employed/contract
worker, you can sign up on that
website and will get weekly updates
letting you know when you will be
able to apply for unemployment.
📍A chat box is being adding to the
unemployment website so when you
are having issues applying online, you
will be able to chat with a live person
rather than calling the hotline.
📍Federal Govt has distributed all its $
for SBA loans. $2.1B came to AR to
14,803 businesses to help keep
people employed.