Summary of the Governor’s Friday press:
1. There are 1,094 new cases for a total of 64,175 cases. This is the highest number of new cases reported since the beginning of the health emergency.
Active: 5,755
Recovered: 57,547
Hospitalizations: Decreased -24 = 401
(The ADH expects this number to increase in the next couple of weeks due to the higher number of cases being reported.)
Deaths: Increased 12 = 873
Counties with the highest number of new cases:
Washington (82% of the new cases are in the age group 18-24);
2. Testing: 11,254 test results in the last 24 hours. This is the highest number of tests reported to date. Antigen tests: 600 with a positivity rate of 18.5%.
3. University of Arkansas: Has banned all on campus & off campus activities for groups greater than 10 for the next 2 weeks. The city of Fayetteville is increasing patrols & compliance officers in their entertainment district.