From 2012 to 2021, speeding-related fatalities increased by 19% nationwide. Speeding fatalities have continued to increase over the past few years. From 2020-2021 alone, law-enforcement agencies documented an 8% increase in speeding related fatalities.
In 2021, speeding killed more than 12,000 people nationwide, accounting for more than one-quarter of all traffic fatalities.
That is why throughout July, Arkansas State Police will be on higher alert for speeding vehicles while participating in the Speeding Slows You Down campaign. This summer, the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is teaming up with Arkansas law enforcement to keep drivers and passengers safe by raising awareness about the dangers of speeding and urging drivers to obey speed limits. If you’re pulled over for speeding, you can expect to be issued a ticket for breaking the law.
For more than two decades, speeding has been involved in approximately one-third of all motor vehicle fatalities. The National Highway and Transportation Safety Administration reports that 35% of male drivers and 21% of female drivers in the 15- to 20-year-old age group involved in fatal traffic crashes in 2021 were speeding, the highest among the age groups.
Last year, 648 crash deaths occurred on Arkansas roads. The goal for every individual, every family, and every community should be zero deaths on Arkansas roads.
Obeying the speed limit and paying attention are just two things we can all do to prevent future accidents.
In the most recent legislative session, the Arkansas General Assembly strengthened our distracted driving laws by passing Act 445.
It states if a distracted driver causes an accident that results in serious physical injury or death of another person, the driver upon conviction is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor. The act also requires law enforcement officers to indicate on the written accident form if the driver was using a wireless telecommunications device at the time of the accident.
Every time we get behind the wheel, we become responsible for not only our own lives but also the lives of others on the road. For more on Arkansas’ ongoing Toward Zero Deaths campaign to eliminate preventable traffic fatalities, visit