
Daily Update – Feb 6

House members approved a change to the way we select which proposed constitutional amendments will go to the ballot.  SCR2 specifies that the House will select one amendment and the Senate will select one amendment.  It allows for a third amendment to be put forward only if 2/3 of both chambers agree.

Previously, the State Agencies committees from both chambers would meet jointly to vote on proposed amendments and could refer up to three during a regular session.

The House also approved a bill to increase the minimum amount a school district can pay a teacher.  HB1155 increases the minimum amount by $400 for the next school year.  School districts can pay more but not less than the minimum amount set by the state.

In a vote of 93-0, the House approved a measure instructing county quorum courts to compensate a county coroner who received medicolegal death investigation training.

And members also approved HB1041,an Act to Protect the Rights and Privileges Granted under the Arkansas Constitution and the United States Constitution.  This legislation prohibits foreign laws from being used in Arkansas courts.

The House will reconvene tomorrow at 1:30pm.

2017-02-07T22:36:10+00:00 Feb 6th, 2017|Summaries|