Governor’s press conference today, SATURDAY APRIL 18th, 2020:
🔘 1,739 total cases: 998 active cases, 703 recovered. Doesn’t include Cummins.
🔘 $10M in community development block grants will be distributed to 27 hospitals. $500k will go to UAMS to support their telemedicine efforts across the state.
🔘 Executive Order creating the AR Economic Recovery Taskforce. Steuart Walton will chair. It will include 26-27 other members representing all different fields of the economy.
🔘 3 cabinet secretaries will sit on taskforce: Ag Sec Wes Ward, Tourism Sec Stacy Hurst, and Commerce Sec Mike Preston.
🔘 Taskforce will meet within their industry groups. They’ll be looking at how they can begin reopening in a way that is consistent with public health guidance. First meeting will be next week.
📍86 currently hospitalized
22 currently on ventilators
1 new death (65+)
📍50% Male
50% Female
60% White
30% African American
32% are 25-44 yrs old
36% are 46-64 yrs old
30% have 1+ underlying medical
📍Mobile testing unit visits approximately
3 communities a week.
📍This week the mobile unit was in
Texarkana and Forrest City. They
screened 431 and tested 183. There
was only 1 positive.
📍Next week the mobile until will be in
Marianna, Camden, and McGehee.