Summary of the Governor’s Tuesday press conference:
1. We have only 30 more days to get census information in! We have a constitutional responsibility to answer the census. It is so important for our state, our region, & our city. The census will determine how much in federal dollars we receive, determine the number on congressional representatives we have, and even the number of state representatives & senators we have from our area.
2. There were 273 new cases in the last 24 hours for a total of 61,497 cases.
Active: 5,036
Recovered: 55,647
Hospitalizations: Increased 3 = 423
Deaths: Increased 17 = 814. 5.5% of all deaths were from Covid19 only & 95.5% were Covid19 & other contributing factors.
Counties with the highest number of new cases: Pulaski; Benton; Sebastian; & Washington.
3. Testing: 3,530 in the last 24 hours. The low number of tests is part of the reason why the number of cases is down. 186,379 were done in August.