
Important information for HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS

Seniors who are on track to graduate and in good standing as of the 3rd nine weeks reporting period will be considered “as meeting the graduation requirements” for the state of Arkansas. School districts may still implement local policies for honor graduates and class rank and should make local decisions regarding end-of-year engagement for current high school seniors regarding graduation. We encourage districts to find ways to continue to support seniors’ next steps, such as assisting with FAFSA, scholarship applications, applications for post-secondary opportunities, etc. Seniors who were not on track must be given the opportunity for credit recovery. Students enrolled in courses for weighted credit, such as AP or IB, should still receive weighted credit regardless of the ability of a student to take an AP/IB/or other assessment. It is important to note that waivers of the following have been approved for current seniors:
Civics exam
Digital Learning
Personal Finance

2020-03-25T01:46:46+00:00 Mar 21st, 2020|In the News|