Arkansas Agriculture Department
State Plant Board Approves a Proposed Emergency Rule on the Use of Dicamba for Burndown
LITTLE ROCK, AR – The Arkansas Agriculture Department’s State Plant Board approved a proposed emergency rule today to clarify that the only three dicamba products allowed for burndown applications from April 16 through May 25 are Engenia, Fexapan, and Xtendimax. A copy of the proposed rule can be found here.
Burndown applications addressed by the proposed emergency rule are subject to buffer zones established in the dicamba rule that went into effect on March 11. The additional restriction was added to prevent use of dicamba products labeled for aerial applications without buffer zones. A copy of the dicamba rule that went into effect on March 11 can be found here.
The proposed rule now goes to Governor Hutchinson for review. If approved by the Governor, it will go to Joint Budget Committee’s Administrative Rule and Regulation Review Subcommittee and then the full Joint Budget Committee for review and approval.
The board also clarified the definition of specialty crops, buffer zones for non-tolerant crops, and organic operations. These clarifications and answers to other frequently asked questions will be published on the Arkansas Agriculture Department’s website,
The Arkansas Agriculture Department is dedicated to the development and implementation of policies and programs for Arkansas agriculture and forestry to keep its farmers and ranchers competitive in national and international markets while ensuring safe food, fiber, and forest products for the citizens of the state and nation.